Drinkware Types

Glass is a transparent material that can be melted down and molded into solid shapes. It is made from sand, soda ash, and limestone, but other minerals like silica and barium can be added to manipulate its color, durability, and thickness.
Glass with a low mineral count is non-porous, which makes glass dishwasher safe and heat-resistant. Brands to look for include Luigi Bormioli and Stölzle Lausitz.
What Is Crystal?
Crystal glass is a transparent material made with the same ingredients as glass, but with added lead-oxide or metal-oxide. The additional ingredients make the crystal retain its integrity even when cut or blown. The added ingredients in crystal glass makes the material slightly porous, giving it the ability to refract light brilliantly.
Crystal is produced by companies around the globe and can be made with varying levels of lead-oxide. Unlike the name suggests, crystal glass does not actually contain a crystalline structure in its material compound. Brands to look for include Nachtmann and Bohemia Crystal.
What is Lead-free Crystal?
The so-called “lead-free crystal” is essentially fine glass without the lead content. On this occasion lead is substituted with another ingredient, for instance, zinc, barium and potassium to allow the piece being heavy, transparent and possible to be hand cut or engraved. Brands to look for include Schott Zwiesel and Nude Glass.